By just viewing the face of a person, the Chinese fortune tellers are able to tell the fortune of his/her children. Whether they are accurate or not, judge by yourself.


PhiltrumPhiltrum is a very important position in the Chinese fortune-telling system. It is the groove between the nose and the upper lip and is the place where the Chinese fortune tellers observe the fortune of a person at the age of 51. More importantly, the shape and deepness of the philtrum can reflect the health of reproductive organs, as well as the sex and fortune of one’s offspring.

Generally, the deepness of the philtrum represents the quantity of offspring. In ancient times, a person with deep Philtrum indicated that he/she could have more than 4 children. Today, due to the popularity of contraception, a person with a deep philtrum should have more than 2 children. A person with shallow flat Philtrum, on the other hand, indicates no offspring or just one child.

Normally, people with sharp cupid’s bows or a philtrum with narrow at the top but wide at the base (white roll) should have a tendency of more sons than daughters. A round cupid’s bows should have a tendency of more daughters than sons. A philtrum with the same width from the top to the base, like a train track, indicates the same amount of sons and daughters.

A female with a deep, narrow top and wide base philtrum indicates a well-developed vagina and uterus. As a result, It will be relatively easy for her at baby delivery. She will also have little gynecological diseases in her whole life. On the other hand, a female with an oblique philtrum may have a much higher chance of getting gynecological diseases.

If a female has the uterus been removed, their philtra will become flatten gradually. Female with tubal ligation may also result in an inconspicuous philtrum.

Finally, a sudden appearance of a rash at the philtrum may well indicate problems that occur at the reproductive organ. A scar at the philtrum reflects an abortion.

Children Palace

In Chinese fortune telling, the areas under the lower eyelids are called the children palace. They can tell the fortune of one’s children.

children palace

  • A mole at the children palace indicates a high chance of giving premature birth. The baby will suffer from many illnesses in his/her whole life.
  • A rich (plump) children palace indicates the woman has strong reproductive power. Her children are smart and they will have very bright futures.
  • A dry and sunken children palace represents sexual frigidity. People with such children place are difficult to make friends of the opposite sex, and they hardly have any offspring.
  • When there is acne, spot, or redness found at the children palace, the woman is having an argument with her children. It could also mean her children will have to travel.
  • A person with a dark circle means difficult to get pregnant. A sudden darkening of the children palace could mean that an accident is going to happen to her children.