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Chinese Customs For New Mothers Debunked

Many Chinese people still hold on to some old beliefs concerning what women who just deliver a baby should do. The desire to please their elders and follow deep-seated traditions adds to many new moms' anxiety. In reality, modern medicine has debunked many of these long held ideas. Women, who just gave birth, can return to enjoying their normal, healthy lives shortly after giving birth. Here are several common held beliefs:

Belief 1 : New mothers should not be exposed to wind

Reality : During the 20th century, bacteria easily affected new mothers and people believed that the wind spread disease. Back then, new moms would become ill due to poor nutrition and their compromised immune systems. Today, most mothers have access to nutritious food and prenatal care. Both of these increase a new mom's ability to resist infection. In addition, new moms' rooms should be well-ventilated with clean, fresh air. If a fan is required during the hot summer months, it should blow in the opposite direction, not towards, the new mom. Doctors recommend keeping the room temperature around 27 C and the humidity below 65%. 

Belief 2 : New mothers should not eat fruits or vegetables after delivery

Reality : Vitamins play a vital role in a body recovery and milk secretion. Vegetables and Fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins, which helps with digestion. Doctors advocate the positive effects of vitamins, especially Vitamin C, for help in wound healing and repairing tissue. New mothers need to be cautious with their diet and should eat fresh, nutritious foods.

Belief 3 : Women cannot wash their body for the first 30 days following delivery. Chinese people often waited until after the first lunar month before bathing. Once again, this belief centered on preventing illness. 

Reality : Once the genital area has healed and the new mom feels up to it, new moms can take a shower. They should limit the shower to only about 5-10 minutes, dry off completely and put on clean, warm clothes to avoid getting cold. In addition, woman should ensure their hair is dry before they go to bed to prevent neck pain and headaches. 

Belief 4 : New mothers should not have sex until at least two months after giving birth

Reality : This one is true, according to the experts. It takes at least 8 weeks for the reproductive organs to recover from delivery. Early sex may easily cause inflammation, or other uterine complications. New moms should wait until the lochia is completely discharged, which takes about two months, before resuming normal sexual activities. 

See also
  1. Five Things Pregnant Women Can Not Do
    Believe them or your baby will be hurted!

  2. The Myth of the Fetal God
    Don't hurt the Fetal God, the spirit next to the fetus! It is watching and protecting your unborn baby!

  3. The Relationship between Full Moon and Birth Defects
    Have you ever heard that conception on the full moon's date may cause birth defects on the baby? Here is the story.